Hand Held Bidet
Timeless and High Quality Product Replacing Roll Tissues Our toilet washing habits have undergone some changes in the recent past. This calls for brand new equipment for the job. The hand held bidet is one of the newest and by far the most sophisticated of these...
Hand Bidet
One Of The Smartest Bathroom Innovations We Have Today The hand bidet is one of the smartest and high-tech electronics we have today. It is used to complement toilets by addressing the need to ensure that cleanliness and hygiene are maintained, especially after using...
Why Don’t Australians Use Bidets?
VIDEO TRANSCRIPT Toilet Bidets Here's a bathroom fact for you, the average Australian uses 57 sheets of toilet paper For visual it so it's got one two this. this is really cheap toilet paper three fifty one two three four five six and seven, that's fifty seven sheets...
Do You Clean Your Bum Correctly?
FACT: 95% of Australians DO NOT Clean Their Bum CorrectlySorry to say.... but if you are using toilet paper only, you are definitely not wiping the poo off your bum properly!Filthy Bathroom HabitIf you did your poo already today, and you cleaned yourself using plain...